Manifesting Heaven On Earth

"A vehicle to bring unification of Christ Expressions into One Collective Assemblage. Recognizing Planet Earth to be our Heavenly Parent's Church, each Christed Being is a complete Temple, a House of God, a living brick within Church Of The Creator.® "      

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Pentecost    2016

Pentecost, 50 days following Easter, the Resurrection, is the celebration of the descent of the Holy Spirit, Anointing of the Apostles.

Not the past, but the faith, hope and love that is present NOW. This is the time we have been preparing for: Program Adonai Tsebayoth, Creator Daughter’s Aeon, Program of The Holy Spirit Shekinah - The Age of Peace, Age of Miracles – Revelations from the Heavens, Healing, Prosperity to the Children of Light.

Why is Pentecost so important?
"This New Spiritual Understanding of Triune Energies of The Holy Trinity, The Holy Family, through Spiritual Memory Infusion, becomes the Whole Family, the Marriage of Heaven and Earth. The Bridegroom and Bride, whose incarnated offspring are their Seed, aligned within and through the Office Of The Christ, consciously chose to manifest their Divine Inheritance, the Age of Peace." 5

It is connected to Christianity's central image of God as Trinity. Over many centuries Christians have come to understand God in three ways. First, as God The Father, Creator in nature; Second, as the Son, in the story of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus; Third the aspect of The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit represents God as living and active in the world today - "The Presence Of God". It signifies the fact that the Faith is not just about events that happened in the past, but is relevant in the present and the future. The Holy Spirit is God's animating presence in the Church, and indeed in life itself. Hence, without The Holy Spirit, The Breath, The Heart, The Divine mother, the Church is dead, without the Holy Spirit, all that is creative and wonderful in life itself ceases to exist. (Bible Acts 2: 1-20)

Revelations Activated, Consciousness Infused.
The Recognition of Prior Programs, Connecting, Healing, Sealing the Divine Tapestry of the Father and Son Programs, Ushering in the Holy Spirit Program - Adonai Tsebayoth is accomplished! Collectively we are moving into New Systems, New Programs of Creation.

The Gifts and "Miracles" require the molecular-alchemical balance of the Holy Spirit Shekinah. Once achieved this Divine Coding Template can only activate at the precise timing of mutual recognition and dedication to the unified effort in the earth plane within and through the Office Of The Christ.

Only now is the Divine Feminine aspect, Mother, Daughter, Sister, beginning to be given the recognition she truly is due. In the Glorious Anointing upon us, the seed held in the purity and rich fertile ground of the Heart, is blossoming into fruition. The Divine Image within us, through Her, brings the fullness in revelation and truth of the Triune Nature of All Creation, Three In One, Holy Trinity, Divine Deity. NOW is the Creator Daughter's Aeon, HOLY SPIRIT SHEKINAH.

Our Beloved Parent Creator Source is a Trinitized Expression of ONE, infinite and evolving. For those choosing release from the death program and dying estates of consciousness, the Exodus Vehicle is aligned to and upheld by the infinite Love of this Paradise Trinity. In order to participate in the next part of the Greater Plan, individual and singularly minded consciousness, (isolated states), will need to come into alignment through the Trinitized Vehicle of all planes and dimensions. Cosmic Christ Consciousness, the Spiritual-Physical (in form) Family. Again we refer to the Hierarchical Family Tree, the over control synthesizer of the Divine Blueprint.

Through the Collective Grids of Cosmic Christ Consciousness, the supportive energies of the Order, Brotherhood and Priesthood of Melchizedek, the axial-nucleus alignment to Arcturus for this planetary sphere and its systems, Church Of The Creator© represented through the Heart, Mediatorship of the Feminine Principle, has been accomplished. Those choosing to transmute in all aspects, each of the 12 Lifestreams, through unconditional Love and Light, are bringing about the upliftment of mankind's vibration, from this duality plane into the Trinitized expression of the Redemptive Christ Body. 3

We all have a Pre-embodiment Covenant and Pact with the Creator, our Heavenly Father/Mother God. Covenantal relationship is a binding agreement between all parties on multi-dimensions. There is an agreement “written on the heart” which includes plan and structure, terms and conditions, and fine print not fully understood until such timing as needed in the constraints of this plane/dimension physical embodiment.

We are supported through all planes and dimensions as we provide the physical vehicles to re-establish the Divine Plan, Blueprint on this planetary sphere and its systems. We are given inspiration, direction, next steps to take, if we inquire, petition, choosing Alignment to Divine Will in our every action, Highest and Best for the Whole. When we focus our will, Align ourselves to “…dedicate our physical embodiments to the God expression in form...,” 2 we have the assistance of the 72 Brotherhoods, the Office Of The Christ. We have been promised that our choice so Aligned, focused, will bear fruit, further activate the transfiguration, resurrection and re-membering mankind's Divine Nature.

You have within you, your LifeStream,1 Spiritual Wisdom, understanding necessary to accomplish our Collective Covenant & Pact, made prior to physical embodiment. You were prepared before you arrived, to walk through this time of purification. It is not personal to you; your circumstances are not a reflection of self-worth. Walk the talk for others, for who you are and who you represent. Embrace the opportunity and make it count. It is what we promised to do, as he did, as he and we are Commissioned.


In Oneness Of Service,

Revs. Drs. Angela Magdalene URI & James Germain URI

Ministerial Unit, TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation - Family Of URI, Inc. P.O. Box 157, Ashland, Oregon 97520 COTC National Office - (541) 776-9191


1. Glossary of Terms - Definitions supplemental to English Dictionaries and complimentary to understanding being established through the Order of Melchizedek and the Office Of The Christ. © 1984 TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation - Family Of URI, Inc.

2. Sacred Mandate , Treatise of Joining in Principle and witness, Mission Statement, © 1977 TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation - Family Of URI, Inc.

3. Historical Legacy & Foundations Of The Church . © 1983-2006 TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation - Family Of URI, Inc.

4. Articles of Faith & Constitution ARTICLE VII - Body, © 1977 TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation - Family Of URI, Inc.

5. Ecclesia Magna Charta, ARTICLE II PROCLAMATION © 1984 TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation - Family Of URI, Inc.

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